Absolutely unique product. The recipe was developed by specialists of the All-Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology for Fakpak “Yakutia”. Its composition includes the alcoholized infusion of 11 spicy and aromatic herbs, those that are traditionally present in popular vermouths. However, instead of the traditional basis for vermouth – white or red grape wine, VIVA is based on alcoholized lingonberry juice. The aperitif also includes the alcoholized fruit juice of red mountain ash, vanillin.
VIVA – a necessary preface to a spiritual feast! This is an exquisite taste with a thin and light piquant note, which has absorbed all the energy of the gifts of nature!
2015: International tasting contest “The Best Vodka of the Year 2015” (Moscow)
Gold Medal 2015: XVII Russian Agricultural Exhibition Golden Autumn 2015 (Moscow)
Gold medal 2016: XVIII Russian agricultural exhibition “Golden Autumn-2016” (Moscow)