Take everything from life!


Quality assurance!


Joint Stock Company Financial Agroindustrial Corporation “Yakutia” is one of the leading enterprises in the food and processing industry in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The corporation was founded in 1998, and today FAPK Yakutia is a modern enterprise producing alcoholic beverages, beer, non-alcoholic products.

The company is constantly working to expand the range of products based on the study of consumer demand. The secret of our success is very simple – we put quality and only quality at the head of our production activity. And our products, in this sense, can be safely considered a benchmark. Constant quality control, vast experience of the company’s masters, knowledge of the taste preferences of the inhabitants of the republic, the use of only natural local raw materials without artificial additives allow us to call our products the best in Yakutia.

Corporation shareholders